Selected by 14 International Festivals and ANPI (Association of Italian Partisans)

Selected by 14 International Festivals and ANPI (Association of Italian Partisans)
A 90-minute award-winning documentary film about the roots and rise of the most popular revolutionary song in the world. With full access to worldwide music rights of "Bella Ciao," this groundbreaking production features and more than 20 unique interviews with the larger than life figures, past and present, in Italy and abroad, who helped make this iconic protest anthem famous around the globe. Millions may now recognise the tune thanks to the commercial popularity of the Netflix series Money Heist, but few know the fascinating full story behind Bella Ciao.
Winner of the "Best Feature Documentary" at the 2022 Barcelona International Film Festival (Spain) Best Documentary at the Florence Film Awards (Italy), Honorable Mention at the Red Movie Awards (France) and Official Selection at Toronto Indendent Film Festival of Cift, London Director Awards, London International Monthly Film Festival, New York International Women (USA) , International Women's Film Festival (Denmark) Boden International Film Festival (Sweden), Big Apple Film Festival (USA), Chelsea Film Festival (USA).
© 2020 Millstream Films and Media, in coproduction with Ala Bianca Group, distributed by Lilium Distribution.
Millstream Films, in collaborazione esclusiva con gli unici detentori dei diritti della canzone ‘Bella Ciao’(Fausto Amodei), Edizioni Bella Ciao srl, Istituto Ernesto De Martino, Ala Bianca Group Srl e con Lilium Distribution, presenta la storia completa di questa canzone iconica, raccontata attraverso piu' di 20 testimonianze uniche dei giganti della musica che hanno creato e conservato per la posterità questo canto trasformandolo in inno di libertà e protesta nelle piazze del mondo.
Milioni di persone potrebbero ora riconoscere la melodia grazie alla popolarità della serie Netflix "Casa di Carta", ma pochi conoscono la vera e affascinante storia di ‘Bella Ciao’.
Per la prima volta e in via esclusiva, tutti i protagonisti della storia possono essere ascoltati, e l'intera epopea della canzone raccontata.
© 2019 Millstream Films and Media, in co-produzione con Ala Bianca Group, ed in collaborazione con Lilium Distribution.
Produced by: Millstream Films & Media and Ala Bianca Group
Copyright © 2020 Millstream Films & Media - All Rights Reserved. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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